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    That's completely missing the point; the point is, there are exactly zero katas that involve a keyboard layout but uses non-QWERTY layout for the kata.

    What makes this kata so special it should become the first on the entire site to do this? There ought to be very good reasons to do so, and I do not see any (and no, "because kata author is more familiar to it" is not a remotely good reason. Conventions exist for good reasons.)

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    Maybe author's background? TBH I don't see anything specifically wrong with using anything else than QWERTY, but whatever it is, it should be specified more precisely. I imagine there's more than one QWERTZ layout?

    QWERTY has the advantage that it's more common, and easier to research if needed. But if there is sufficient amount of info in the description, then why not. French AZERTY, or Dvorak, is there really a difference?

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    Yes, but why specifically use QWERTZ when every kata uses QWERTY? Are there any kind of explanation where this is reasonable?

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    it's a known layout, but has quite some variations

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    Thank you for your feedback.

    I have adjusted the description to be more precise in that matter.

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    • The "Wrong inputs [...] should be removed from the array/list" is ambiguous, and may mean "should be removed from the input list", i.e. the input list should be mutated and have invalid characters removed.
    • The "ignore the input at this position in the array" is ambiguous, and "ignore" might mean "pass through without additional processing", or "do not output this character".
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    Keyboard Layout is QWERTZ


    Is there any reason to perform this dick move? When its only difference from QWERTY is Z and Y swapped? If this is supposed to be funny, it's a very lame joke.

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    Thank you, I have implemented your suggestion.

  • Custom User Avatar
    array = []
    for i in range (size):
        array.append(possible[(math.floor(random.random() * len(possible)))])


    array = random.choices(possible, k=size)
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    Thank you for testing my Kata.

    I have removed the JS dummy and the random tests should work as intended now.

    Thank you again for pointing that out :]

  • Custom User Avatar
    • Remove the dummy JS version
    • Python random tests all expect the same result
  • Custom User Avatar

    Thank you for pointing that out.

    I now added random tests.

    Thank you for helping me improve this Kata.

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    I cannot fathom why individuals resort to cheating at Codewars. Such conduct is inconceivable and should not be condoned.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Thank you for your patience.
    The Kata should be solvable now.

    I am sorry for the inconvenience.

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    I know both individuals, and I can state without doubt that they are the most deceitful individuals I have encountered.

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