I agree that I should have specified that an empty array is equal to 0 in this problem. I have added it to the notes section of the description. Thanks for the feedback.
Re-read the error and it has been decided that the instructions are not clear on this. It GOT the string starting with owi... so that is your code. but it expected a string starting with wlw...owi...
The string you are trying to get is the FIRST longest consecutive string. to pass that test you want it to be index[0] + index[1].
The kyu is given by a moderator, not by the author.
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I agree that I should have specified that an empty array is equal to 0 in this problem. I have added it to the notes section of the description. Thanks for the feedback.
Re-read the error and it has been decided that the instructions are not clear on this. It GOT the string starting with owi... so that is your code. but it expected a string starting with wlw...owi...
The string you are trying to get is the FIRST longest consecutive string. to pass that test you want it to be index[0] + index[1].
In the test index[0] = 11 characters while index[2] has only 10.
I hope this helps!