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    still a duplicate. We already have too much kata about collatz sequences.

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    • No sample tests;
    • No random tests;
    • The tests which should be really, like, time-efficient aren't present, so there are only trivial cases left.
    • Probably the duplicate of the existing kata, but the condition whether x is repeating a number and in which position. is unique for now
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    Hi, sorry first time trying to publish something, getting used to the platform. It is fixed now.

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    Unpublishing for now. Please fix the kata and bring it to a publishable, runnable state.

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    Server Execution Error:
    Failed to detect class name:
    public boolean looping(10, 5);
    public boolean looping(10, 7);
    public boolean looping(0, 5);
    public boolean looping(0, 1);
    public boolean looping(100, 50);
    public boolean looping(100, 7);
    public boolean looping(13, 5);
    public boolean looping(13, 15);
    public boolean looping(17, 7);
    Request Error:
    Request failed with status code 422
    Please fix the issue and try again.
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    First of all you can solve this Kata with a simple loop that check whether the letter is uppercase (in which case you would add a space before it).
    To your question, these are Regular expressions. Plainly speaking it is an easy way to find and manipulate patterns in a string.
    The [A-Z] means any upper case character and $1 means the first group you found (so they add a space and $1).

    Here is a website you could learn about the subject: