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    Hey, I'm trying to get my Kata out of Beta same as you. I figure the best way to do it is to help other authors by doing their Kata's and hoping that in return they can check mine out. Having said that, if you get a chance, maybe you can give it a whirl!

    Totally fine if you don't. I'm happy to help either way. Cheers!

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    Test cases need to include titleized words as well. Or the description should be updated to indicate the exclusion of mismatching case palindromes (Racecar != racecaR).

    Some solutions will return 5 for "Racecar" rather than 7 but still pass.

    Unless my understanding of a palindrome is incorrect, racecar is still a palindrome even when it's titleized (Racecar).

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    I suppose the details didn't say anything about case sensitivity, but isn't racecar still a palindrome even when it's titleized (Racecar)?

    longest_palindrome 'Racecar'
    => 5