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    Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into changing this.
    Edit: I changed the format from X>Y to X-Y

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    • This kata puts a unique point onto an already used idea. The entire toll road point stops it being a duplicate.
    • Why would I put both 0>1 and 1>0 in the tolls when one suffices easily enough?
    • Sorry about this one, I was wrong. It was a bug that I missed. It's fixed now.
    • The idea of the kata is for it to be done without any modules. This means any modules. I don't really care how little or how much they do.

    Codewars is intended to be a site full of fun challenges. It is not meant to be an impossible struggle to even get anything posted. I haven't been here long, but I can tell the site is full of toxic people. Please don't be one of them. I still won't unpublish.


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    Oh ok, sorry. I'll keep an eye out for this.

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    • This is not an exact duplicate. As far as I know, there are not any other katas with the premise of the toll roads. If you are making this point, provide a link.
    • It makes sense if you read it. What do you mean by 'he tolls are supposed to be undirected but have to be made so on the user side.'
    • This is wrong. The random test cases cannot provide a toll for a road that does not exist. Again, proof needs to be required for a point of this to be made.
    • Any modules. People were making soloutions that outsourced the hard work to other modules. This was not the intention.
    • Very well, I will remove the suggestion.

    I will not unpublish this kata.

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    I have no problem with you posting critisism in the discorse, but if you are going to, please complete the kata without imports as requested in the details.

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    If simple BFS is enough, please follow the description and complete the kata without any imports as intended. :)

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    I can't really investigate problems like this without any more information. It would help if you could post the map, tolls, fuel etc instead of just presuming that I know how to get it.

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    Do people really not understand that there is a button that forfeits eligibility in order to show soloutions. I said, he used an alt. I watched him do it. Why would I spend all this time creating a kata only to use an alt (with less honour as well) to solve it. It doesn't make sense. Now please stop accusing me of either cheating or helping someone else to cheat. I have no input over what other people do. I didn't give him access to the code, and, even if I did, why shouldn't I? I wouldn't have intended him to copy either way and it is my code that I wrote.
    Sorry if I sound rude, but I don't feel it very fair people blaming me for what someone else did.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, what I meant be "literally no evidence" was that there is literally no evidence of it being me. At least compared to it being anyone else. It is just as likely that it was someone else. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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    It has been updated. Thanks for the comment!

  • Default User Avatar

    The description says that the toll is on the road inbetween the two junction. This means it is two way. I could change the syntax but I really see no point. It makes sense to me.
    I will update the details regardless.

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    My original idea was that the route with the least nodes should be returned. I have updated the description to reflect this, I forgot to add it in.

  • Default User Avatar

    All fixed. The reference soloution is no longer broken. Thanks for pointing this out.

  • Default User Avatar

    Ah right I think I see what I've done here, I'll look into this.

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    ... I actually didn't. Please don't assume this. The friend in question copied the code and used an alt account. Don't just presume that you are right based on literally no evidence.