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    This makes me laugh at myself. Wonderful solution! Also, I'm amazed at how you said you're continuously learning and how you're addressing issues below. Definitely hats off! Very clever too. I love the logic!

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    The beauty of this nearly made me cry. I'm not even joking. Very clever! The logic is perfect and the implementation is splendid. I really love it. Makes me question my self why I did not think of this and just played within my confines. Thank you for this inspiring solution. Not sure if this can be considered as best practice, but I think it's perfect.

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    Wow just wow haha. Didn't see that coming. It's very clever to bypass all those checks and just stick to the principle since it will always be the same! Loving it. Amazingly done! I find these kinds of solutions very inspiring. I know people are not sure whether this is a good practice or that there should be a required certain way. But this is a good reminder that there are more than one way of solving a problem. And sometimes, a more efficient one! As long as the principle stands, I think it is correct and I am very much impressed. Very clever! //can't say that enough

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    I like how minimalistic this looks. Very clever. Though it's not for other word combinations as stated below, it's still very clever! Nice going.

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    That method is okay for multiple instance of the same word but it makes a lot of sense that it's not for words containing each other and not for words with their reversals. Thanks for this reminder.

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    This is too clever! Awesome. Not sure if I would've ever thought of that. Seems so simple but very powerful and spot on! At first, I had some issues in mind, but I saw that they're already addressed below. So nothing much to say here. Again, very clever!! I can't emphasize enough how I find it clever and impressive. The sort that makes one even more excited and inspired to learn more and see the different ways how things can work. A creative and logical inspiration! //if that makes sense