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    Nice solution! As I was trying to wrap my head around it though, it seems to hit the stack size limit on node 0.12.1 for the last test case, the 5x5 map.

    var map = [[true, true, true, false, true],
        [false, false, true, false, true],
        [true, true, true, true, true],
        [true, false, true, false, false],
        [false, true, true, true, true]];
    console.log(solve(map, {x:0,y:0}, {x:4,y:4}));


    RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
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    When I translate a kata, the solution gets contributed to the original author (which is reasonable). However, when I use the same solution to solve the kata, my solution doesn't show up in the solution list/my name doesn't show up next to the original author's name.

    Here's an example of a recently translated kata. I can still look at the other solutions, and my solution is listed on my profile. But if I follow the link to the discussion, I end up with Eclecticist's solution (which is the same for above reasons). Here is another kata that shows the same behaviour.

    Is this intended (anti-cheat) or some bug?

    ‡ translating the kata takes some time, so sometimes I don't want to bother with a new solution and use my old one ;)

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    This should be fixed now.

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    Are you in any special mode? (emacs, vim?)

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    Sweet! Thanks dude that was it! I must have accidentally clicked it.

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    I'm not sure about this but it may be that you clicked on the the vim or emacs button. deselect the button to go back to normal mode. hope this help but i could be wrong.

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    When I use the text editor sometimes my text cursor will be a thick green vertical bar. When I try to type it will start deleting excepts of my code, but eventually it will fix itself after enough typing and the text cursor will return as normal again.