How do you see the input ?
raise to the power, thanks
Thanks, resolved.
Kata has been unpublished. Thanks
Thank you. has been fixed
Thank you. Has been fixed.
I take nothing away from the kata nor do i under rate it. It was just a constructive suggestion.
maybe make it a bit more fun, by saying the method should return the sum of squares of the sums of all rows.
like this for example : given 2D array { {1,2}, {5,4,1}, {5} } Then the method should return sum = (3²) + (10²) + (5²)
Come on man, you shouldn't have shown people the code. I mean one doesn't even need to THINK here. Please make a new version of this problem.
don't understand the question. please make me understand. sort the numbers " By name ... " ???
It must be returned in what order ? The order confuses me
Loading collection data...
How do you see the input ?
raise to the power, thanks
Thanks, resolved.
Kata has been unpublished. Thanks
Thank you. has been fixed
Thank you. Has been fixed.
I take nothing away from the kata nor do i under rate it. It was just a constructive suggestion.
maybe make it a bit more fun, by saying the method should return
the sum of squares of the sums of all rows.
like this for example : given 2D array { {1,2},
Then the method should return sum = (3²) + (10²) + (5²)
Come on man, you shouldn't have shown people the code. I mean one doesn't even need to THINK here.
Please make a new version of this problem.
don't understand the question. please make me understand.
sort the numbers " By name ... " ???
It must be returned in what order ? The order confuses me