Given the 1-800 (phone word) number that the company wants to use, you need to check against all known words and return the set of all possible 1-800 numbers which can be formed using those same digits. (In other words, groups of (3,4) and (4,3) should be both considered and not just following the original's string format)
Description states:
. that is past the end.Given the 1-800 (phone word) number that the company wants to use, you need to check against all known words and return the set of all possible 1-800 numbers which can be formed using those same digits.
(In other words, groups of (3,4) and (4,3) should be both considered and not just following the original's string format)(c#): IMHO the example test has still the typo:
Assert.AreEqual("abcde", Kata.Assemble(new string[] {"abcde","abcde","abcbe"}));
Approved by someone
OP solved it, closing
Fixed for Java, too
Since everything for these languages is closed, I think this issue may be closed now~
Fixed for C#, too
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
this concerns most languages, re-raised as a list
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