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    Shoudn't that be opposite? I mean European floor number should be one or two HIGHTER that American? F.e. US 5th floor is EU 6th not 4th.

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    You don't need a wild guess, just look at the sample tests.

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    I guess it should be mentioned in the task description that for JS the output expected as an array. I tried a lot of options to return my result as (num1, num2) (including string format), but did not succeed in spite of the numbers itselves were correct.

    I just occasionally understood that I had been expected to return array only by wild guess... Seems to be an issue of the task description, isn't that?

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    The format of your output should be an array (for you code above [i, e]). I understood this only by getting the wild guess. I think this is an issue of the description of the task.