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    Hello, I don't know if you've figured this one out yet, but essentially you're checking every list and its indices against each other. So when you write [1,2,3,4,5,6] == [2,5,6,4,3,1], you're essentially writing [1]==[2], [2]==[5], [3]==[6] etc.
    A list is a series of indexes with each index containing something, so you're not just checking to see if the contents of the two lists are the same, you're checking to see if the contents of each list is the same AND is in the same place (i.e at the same index) of both lists.

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    Hey man, check out list comprehensions. That's the exact way this kind of one-line code is done! Corey Schafer has a real good tutorial on how to use them.

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    I don't think I understand your question. Are you trying to use the function in the code you commented on? If so, what are you trying to do?
    There shouldn't be any non-iterable int objects in the code you commented on.

    If you want to print the function, you'll use: print(openOrSenior(data)) And replace "data" with a list consisting of tuples (i.e [(24, 7), (18, 2), (66, 22)])
    If you want to make another function output into this one, you'll need to replace "data" with your function name. And you need to make sure that the output of that function is a list of tuples.

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