JS version: If anyone is getting a random error it will most likely be bacause one of the submit tests is getCount(' ~_,.' <>=[]/`!@#$%^&*(){}?:;-=+| '). It took a while to work out where it was failing. This would be a good one to add as a standard test case.
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I did exactly the same)
Added sample tests in JS
Now I realise the code after the first OR is redundant, the solution works without it.
Either add a console log to your function:
Or just log the each argument out individually. Can be quite lengthy with 200 random tests, but you should be able to find the ones that are failing.
Need test cases and flesh out the instructions a little more. Not very clear.
JS version: If anyone is getting a random error it will most likely be bacause one of the submit tests is getCount(' ~_,.' <>=[]/`!@#$%^&*(){}?:;-=+| '). It took a while to work out where it was failing. This would be a good one to add as a standard test case.