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    Scala: assertion messages are unhelpful:

    DeadFish.parse should work with example tests
    Test Passed
    Completed in 23ms
    DeadFish.parse should work with fixed tests
    Test Failed
    c (of class java.lang.Character)
    Stack Trace
    Completed in 4ms
    DeadFish.parse should work with random tests
    Test Failed
    O (of class java.lang.Character)
    Stack Trace
    Completed in 28ms

    I fear tests can be suject to overflow like other languages.

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    CS: no basic tests and only 7 random tests.

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    I don't get it why my solution do not pass random test...
    This kata is too easy for 6 kyu

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    In JavaScript, which is overall more efficient? Using IFs statements, Swith-Case, or K-V pair object with anonymous function? I have seen people using IFs- S-C and my self using K-V objects(something I picked from C# unfortunately).

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    Not sure if this is just me but rust is missing the random test cases and is erroring out when attempting.

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    Tests need to be revised in several languages. With a random string of length 10, a possible input would be "iissssssso", which should return [340282366920938463463374607431768211456], with a 39 digits number. []int in Go is unable to hold this, but random tests generate strings of length comprised between 20 and 40. Python and Ruby are ok since they have integers of arbitrary size. I don't understand how tests are made in Haskell, but the output should be [Integer] and not [Int]. COBOL, Rust, Groovy and JS have tests correctly adjusted. C has no random tests (there's an issue already opened about that). Typescript has strings up to 11 characters, which I think may generate overflow (?). Other languages need to be checked. Actually, tests should be rewritten for languages having big integers and use them.

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    VB translation kumited. Please review and approve. Thanks, suic

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    Pretty nice kata, but if you make a state about invalid charcters you should make a test for it, encurageing those who make this kata to handle such outcome.

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