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good use of sort count
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You asked what's BFS/DFS. You don't want the explanation.
You didn't ask for "input" (neither specify what you mean by this). You want to receive some "input".
I was actually hoping for someone to provide original input and enrich the conversation
I don't mean to hijack the thread but what are DFS and BFS, some kind of standard pathfinding algorithms?
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damn me... I'll fix it, sorry.
(actually, first and last tile being a wall shouldn't change anything but... well, it is in the description, yes)
In Java during the random test cases I run in to cases where the start position contains a wall, like this:
I assume this is a bug since the tasks states that start and end positions are empty. I see there was an issue with where the end position contained a wall. Probably similar problem.
should be good, now.
No, you're not supposed to do that.
Maybe I messed up something. Let me take a look.
OK, I forgot to constrain the last cell. Will update the kata.
Programming language: Java
Challenge: Pathfinder #1
I've stumbled over the following issue:
My code works fine for the fixedTests and the moreTests...
But when it comes to the randomTests, I get mazes like this one:
Why should that return ?
Could anyone explain that to me? The last tile is obviously a wall, which can't be entered.
Is that just an error in the java version? (java has only been solved once and maybe by 'accident'...)
Thanks in advance,
I did a recursive backtracking solution in python. I had to set the maximum recursion limit to avoid hitting that for the larger test cases. Is there an major optimization I am missing. If there isn't, can we have the test up the recursion limit, which can confuse ppl thinking there solution is invalid.
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