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    When the initial input is :

    To do list:  -2HAZ6TU, -47vU, -6hy1kQWf, +r, +6NwW4h8qq3

    I get the following error message :

    Expected: 'To do list: r', instead got: 'To do list: r, 6NwW4h8qq3'

    ...which is exactly the same issue described by Lisensolikum above...I believe it is a bug, unless I've missed something in the requirements.

    hope this helps, thanks

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    Fixed. JS version were vulnerable to input modification.

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    I have the same issue in JavaScript as the one that was reported for Ruby

    Random tests Testing for input [14,15,17,16,13,20,20,11,12,16] should work for random tests with small arrays - Expected: '[]', instead got: '[[14], [15], [17], [16, 16], [13], [20, 20], [11], [12]]'

    I am modifying the array.. which I guess I should not be doing but... is there something that could be fixed for the JavaScript version of this kata ? (just as the fix that was implemented for Ruby, see comment given by @GiacomoSorbi )


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    Didn't look at your code, but I'll bet on you modifying the input array/list or whatever... ;) (always bad practice, just for the reason you encoutner now!)

    Check: found it in your code! ;)

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