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    I am doing this kata with C++ and at the fixed and random test I get numbers I don't understand. There I get strange values (very high and negative numbers) as Max speed. But when I print out the x values and s and run them in my code with visual studio I get the right max speed and the value that I get here doesn't even show up.
    What could be my mistake here ?

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    I've got a problem with the calculation of the percentage. So far i managed to count all cummon values each string has in common with each other.
    But there I come up with 72(from the given example in the desciption) similar position. If i try to divide this by the 45(this resulst out of (10*(10-1))/2) it would add up to more than 100%. I tried some different combinatinos to calulate the total number of combinations but couldn't manage to get the same resualt as the description.

    I either didn't understand how to count the similar numbers or missed the point of how to calculate the total number of combinations.