
A board represents square sized table with columns named with numbers and rows named with chars as following:

| | 1 | 2 | 3 |...
|a|   |   |   |...
|b|   |   |   |...
|c|   |   |   |...

Each field is corresponding to specific coordinate this way: a1 -> (0, 0); a2 -> (0, 1), ..., c2 -> (2, 1), c3 -> (2, 2) ...

Size of square board will be less or equal english alphabet's letter count i.e. <= 26. Let's consider that passed parameter is correct and have a value within 'a1'..'z26'.

Your task is to write a function which accepts a field parameter in string representation for example 'a1' and return a tuple respresenting a corresponding coordinate - (rowIndex, columnIndex), e.g. if there was passed 'c1' then result should be (2, 0).

import re

def field_to_coordinate(field):
    # Compute a coordinate which represents specified `field`,
    # i.e. if field = 'd2' returned value should be [3, 1]
    x, y ="([^\d])(\d+)", field).groups()
    return (ord(x) - 97, int(y) - 1)