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    I agree with this

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    I have the same problem with this kata as many with Java language: Process was terminated. It took longer than 20000ms to complete. Please check your test and work of server. Thanks! In Idea it takes ~120 ms to execute my solution.

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    the same trouble

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    I'm so appreciate to you for help!) BTW, I have one more question. Please could you explain why in the example we have "56 65 74 100 99 68 86 180 90" => "100 180 90 56 65 74 68 86 99". "180 90" in the same order as a input string, but "2000 10003 1234000 44444444 9999 11 11 22 123" we receive "11 11 2000 10003 22 123 1234000 44444444 9999" this result, and "2000 11 11" => "11 11 2000". Why these numbers had change places?

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    Please give some explanation, because I'm confused this kata. I have a number in second test 1234000 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 => 10 => 1) After I concatenated this number I think I should receive = 1. If I guess right. Please explain this to me?

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    I am agree guys with you, it's prefer to use StringBuilder and StringBuffer in java, and I am strong recommending to use this when you creating or deleting new words from existing. But when I had been done this solution, I could thinking about it. I wanted that this solution is works. Good Luck in programming, thank you for advice and code reviewing.

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    Yes, I agree with you. Could you tell me if my fibonacci number will be bigger than integer max value(32 bit) = 2147483647 what next value I must get to put together to calculate total value. What I must return in this case, because you said my program can't return - value as that "-2147483648". Maybe my thought was expressed not clearly. Sorry for that. I am going to explain more simply. Thank you for so clear answer.

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    if I understood right, but maybe I am wrong. Last digit from 610 is 0, and when get fibonacci number 193150 it be => 625814783 and last digit 3. Right?

    • example2 next number 300 give me number -1287770608 and last digit 8:
    • example3 number 20001 will be -1297664030 and last digit 0. If I understood right, if not please could you tell me where I have made a mistake.
      But in your test I was got another result.