
Write a function that takes an integer array, and without sorting the array returns its largest and smallest number as a two element array.

INPUT:                             OUTPUT:
{-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9,-1} -> {-9,-1}
public class HighLow{
  public static int[] printLargestAndSmallest(int[] nums){
		int low[] = nums;
		int high[] = nums;
		int lowest = nums[0];
		int highest = nums[0];
		int count = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < nums.length;i+=2){
			int num1 = nums[i];
			int num2 = nums[i+1];
				low[count] = num1;
				high[count] = num2;
				low[count] = num2;
				high[count] = num1;
			lowest = low[0];
			highest = high[0];
			for(int j = 1; j < low.length; j++){
				if(low[j] < lowest){
					lowest = low[j];			
			for(int j = 1; j < high.length; j++){
				if(high[j] > highest){
					highest = high[j];

    int[] finalHighLow = new int[2];
    finalHighLow[0] = lowest;
    finalHighLow[1] = highest;
    return finalHighLow;