
Find the bomb inside the list of boxes. a Box can contains boxes, in other word Recursive. You need to find the bomb and than give the box code, so the CIA agent can defuse it.


should throw an error if sent empty array
should return solution with string format ([Box_code] >?)+, example: "B1 > B1.3 > B1.3.1 ... B.n"

interface ListOfBoxes {
  code: string,
  bomb?: boolean,
  boxes?: ListOfBoxes[]

export function findTheBomb (listOfBoxes: ListOfBoxes[]): string{
  // You Can Code Below Here  
  return ``

I Have An Array With Type Number

const point: number = [20, 10, 100, 40, 5, 50];

Can You Filter To Show Data With Criteria On Below:

  1. More Than Equal 10
  2. More Than Equal 40
  3. More Than Equal 100
export function filteringDataMoreThanEqual (data: number[], comparator: number): string{
  return String(data);

I Have An Array With Type iType On Below Here

interface iType {
subject: string,
point: number

const data: iType[] = [
subject: "IPA",
point: 70,
subject: "MTK,
point: 65

Can You Find The Value Of The data Above Using Following Formula:

value = total_of_point / total_of_data;

export interface iType {
  subject: string,
  point: number

export function valueResult (data: iType[]): number {
  let value = 0;
  // You Can Code Below Here
  return value;

I Have An Array With Types From Interface iType

interface iType{
id: number,
name: string,

const data: iType[] = [
id: 1
name: "Manny"
id: 2
name: "Danny"
id: 3
name: "Socciella"

Can You Show Only One Data From That Array By ID?

export interface iType{
  id: number,
  name: string,

export function findData (data: iType[], selectedData: number): iType {
  // You Can Code Here

Search The Longest Word from a sentence. if there's 2 or more word with same largest length, you need to return no longest word found,
I really love to learn and do experiment with typescript
here, experiment and typescript have the same length 9.
so the solution is no longest word found.


  1. should throw an error if sent empty argument
  2. should throw an error if sent non string argument
  3. should return solution with string format [word]: [length] chars
  4. should return no longest word found if there's 2 or more word found.
export function findTheLongestWord (sentence?: string): string{
  // You Can Code Below Here  
  return ``

I Have a Constants With Type String There's On Below

const text: string1 = "B0002";
const text: string2 = "B0000001";
const text: string3 = "B0000004";

Can You Take The Number And Convert it To Number Type

export function takeANumber (text: string): number {
  // Don't Change This Variable
  let result: number = 0;
  // You Can Code Below Here
  return result;

I Have A String There's In Below

const array: string = "I Love Typescript";

Can You Take The First Word From These Text?

export function takeFirstWord (text: string) {