You have some things wrong, but to explain what actually happens would make two chapters of a good book on regular expression ( the one on capturing groups, and the one on how matching actually works ).
I really don't feel like writing that book ATM. Try finding some write-up somebody will doubtlessly have done already. You now know what to search for.
I wont agree with you... obviously programming needs some basic maths but not 'minimum up to collage level'... and it is a fact that you need more LOGIC than MATHS feel free to read about it if you havent realized it yet.
I haven't read it all, but that looked quite nice! :]
Go easy on watching that Monad video. You won't need it for a couple of months probably, and you'll understand the concepts better after some practice.
I find Lambda Calculus more fun than scary, but maybe I'm weird. :P Haskell basically is Lambda Calculus with some typing on top. It's all maths, but not as you know it. It's category theory, not calculus. Focus on the little things and before you know it you'll be building big things from little things. Composition is king.
Have fun! :] Can you find me on gitter when you have questions? Or just comment on one of my kata or existing comments.
Approved some time ago
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You said truth Puck, but the math fan doesn't understand programming is algorithm, and algorithm is not only about math.
You have some things wrong, but to explain what actually happens would make two chapters of a good book on regular expression ( the one on capturing groups, and the one on how matching actually works ).
I really don't feel like writing that book ATM. Try finding some write-up somebody will doubtlessly have done already. You now know what to search for.
Details. You'll learn them in time, just as I did. :]
I wont agree with you... obviously programming needs some basic maths but not 'minimum up to collage level'... and it is a fact that you need more LOGIC than MATHS feel free to read about it if you havent realized it yet.
approved :)
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I haven't read it all, but that looked quite nice! :]
Go easy on watching that Monad video. You won't need it for a couple of months probably, and you'll understand the concepts better after some practice.
I find Lambda Calculus more fun than scary, but maybe I'm weird. :P Haskell basically is Lambda Calculus with some typing on top. It's all maths, but not as you know it. It's category theory, not calculus. Focus on the little things and before you know it you'll be building big things from little things. Composition is king.
Have fun! :] Can you find me on gitter when you have questions? Or just comment on one of my kata or existing comments.
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