What a TDD :)
what a ”multiply one more time“.(doge
awesome.while len(arr) == 1 , it will calculate normally to be 0.
resolve katas sometime like translation.your answer deserve “信,雅,达。”
you are the master!
awesome!but (d=='L') will be more readable.
this kata is not about coding, it's math.
what's your theory?
you are the best answer
awesome recursion.
in dart, the test say input "add" will output 2.wth?
I found some algorithm paper about how to make a sqrt().that's awesome O(1) algorithm.
I thought reduce or fold but map.LOL
it's just reverse the list.but the description was puzzled me.
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What a TDD :)
what a ”multiply one more time“.(doge
awesome.while len(arr) == 1 , it will calculate normally to be 0.
resolve katas sometime like translation.your answer deserve “信,雅,达。”
you are the master!
awesome!but (d=='L') will be more readable.
this kata is not about coding, it's math.
what's your theory?
you are the best answer
awesome recursion.
in dart, the test say input "add" will output 2.wth?
I found some algorithm paper about how to make a sqrt().that's awesome O(1) algorithm.
I thought reduce or fold but map.LOL
it's just reverse the list.but the description was puzzled me.
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