Minor issue: for Python's initial solution (the generated code when you first start solving), you missed a colon after 'def gordon(a)' (should be 'def gordon(a):')
One of the test cases in the test is missing the function name and therefore always returns false because the argument list and the result list are different
Hi, very nice kata, love it :)
Please please please make a harder version (either normal chess or atomic chess or even both) (suggestions to make it harder below)\
Instead of f3xe5 the input is a proper chess notation e.g. Nxe5 - this will allow move disambiguation (and of course double disambiguation!!!!)
Allow pawn promotion, castling and en passant
Verify whether a move is legal (especially for castling - cannot castle out of check, into check, or through check)
Require the solution to output whether either side is in check or in checkmate
from string import ascii_lowercase will give you a variable (type string) called ascii_lowercase which equals 'abcdef...wxyz' (ascii_uppercase works the same way)
'global word_list' is unnecessary in python. Able to access word_list without that line.
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Minor issue: for Python's initial solution (the generated code when you first start solving), you missed a colon after 'def gordon(a)' (should be 'def gordon(a):')
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
One of the test cases in the test is missing the function name and therefore always returns false because the argument list and the result list are different
Hi, very nice kata, love it :)
Please please please make a harder version (either normal chess or atomic chess or even both) (suggestions to make it harder below)\
The random tests don't work (at least in Python), Anything works (def calc_type(a, b, res): pass - passes all 100 of the random tests)
from string import ascii_lowercase will give you a variable (type string) called ascii_lowercase which equals 'abcdef...wxyz' (ascii_uppercase works the same way)
Put a dictionary in the 'preloaded' tab, it'll make people's lives much easier
I'll mark the issue as resolved for now so that I can re-publish the kata
I fixed the first problem (added arguments), but when you say refsol do you mean the 'complete solution'? (Am I allowed to leave it blank?)
Seriously though, thanks so much for your help, I really appreciate it
Resolved! ;-) (Finally... *sigh*)
Should I still keep the 1200+ modules or delete the whole thing?
oh ok i see, thank you so much, I'll tell you when I finish doing that, thanks for helping me with creating my first ever kata :)
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