Kata lacks specification about the division operator (integer division or float division?), and in practice it varies depending on the language.
Also, the range for numeric inputs should be specified in the description. Currently it seems most languages, if not all, only test strictly positive values. Is there any good reason for that (apart from avoiding a division by zero, but this should be handled differently)?
Is it really for 8 kyu or should I return to this later? Please help me, I don't fully understand
Add tests for a and/or b being 0, not in the case of division tho. Some solutions will become invalid.
C#: method name should be
(Please refer to implementation of backward compatibility here )Kata lacks specification about the division operator (integer division or float division?), and in practice it varies depending on the language.
Also, the range for numeric inputs should be specified in the description. Currently it seems most languages, if not all, only test strictly positive values. Is there any good reason for that (apart from avoiding a division by zero, but this should be handled differently)?
Racket translation
The Java Kata method would be better to use appropraite types.
The operators are single characters. Make more sense to use char than String.
Kotlin Translation
Please, review and approve
Behavior for division by zero is undefined by the specifications.