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    To post an issue for a kata it's not enough to say it works on your computer... Moreover asking for help is not an issue. Issues are for problems in the kata, not for problems in your code.

    You have to give the input(s) you fail and say why you don't agree with the solution.

    NB: It's normal you have different counts of errors (though I wonder how you can run it at CW): the random tests are not always the same.

    You should read this <

    Edit: It seems that your last solution ... passed?

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    Hi! I have a problem. My solution working very well on my computer. I passed the test, but on random tests I have error "Failed: 16Exit Code: 1"! And all the time shows different counts of errors "Failed: 22, Failed: 18..." I checked on my computer that example and it is correct, but on test it's shows "Failed"! Can you help me find a problem? Using JavaScript!!! Thanks