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    i feel the drama too, bro ;O

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    So aparently this kata is throwing Unspecified AssertionError for javascript
    i've take a look to the output of my code, it seens to work as expected. so...

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    i have no ideia of what you just did
    but i loved it

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    didn't new about hte repeat function *-- * awesome

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    i was just joking about the points
    but still The problem itself could have specified that he wanted an exceptional good way of doing it beforehand, wouldn't have make me waste my time
    Thank you for your patiance, i've changed my code since
    btw, when i raised the issue i genuinely thought there was an issue.

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    That's the same for JS
    My basic tests passes with 32ms
    and i still don't pass in the "More Challanging Cases" even tho those cases received the same parameter of another test that has passed -.-

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    if you are programming this kata with JS i think it has a problem

    Basic Tests execution time of my code is 30ms
    Only the "More Challanging Cases" do not pass
    It wouldn't be a problem if the same params for the "More Challanging Cases" haven't been passed to the others tests that have passed
    The mod don't even bother looking for it and direct removed my issue report :/

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    The same value was passed in more than one instance, and it only failed in the "More Challenging Cases"
    Also the left panel doesn't leave much more information, i only know that, because i console.log(n,k)
    And i saw the left panel

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    omg, i have to pause to get a good read of this, although really readable , i couldn't come up with anything like that, although the logic was the same, the execution was way different

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