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    Also, this would be a duplicate to many existing elementary DP (more specifically, coin change) katas, with a slight twist at the end.

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    Issues from the "harder" version of this kata also applies to this kata:

    Tests are unacceptable: the description says

    You are a baker that works in multiple stores, each store has a diferent number of oven types, some have ovens with 10 trays, others with just 4 trays, others with ovens with 4 trays and 10 trays (there are ovens with 1 tray up to 30).

    but the actual tests only contains at most 2 trays, which becomes a much easier problem.

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    Also, this would be a duplicate to many existing elementary DP (more specifically, coin change) katas, with a slight twist at the end.

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    Anyways, even the tests are unacceptable: the description says

    You are a baker that works in multiple stores, each store has a diferent number of oven types, some have ovens with 10 trays, others with just 4 trays, others with ovens with 4 trays and 10 trays (there are ovens with 1 tray up to 30).

    but the actual tests only contains at most 2 trays, which becomes a much easier problem.

    Similarly, random tests is a complete joke: It only tests [4, 10] against a multiple of 10, which has a trivial solution.

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    There is a dick move: random tests are secretly testing runtime each run and asserts that it does not exceed a certain value, with no indication this is being tested:

    Test Failed
      Expected: less than or equal to 20
      But was:  75
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    This kata needs random tests.