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    I was amazed by the use of string formatting in the solutions, I did something similar to this guy, I never thought it was meant to be used that way so I didnt cross my mind.

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    • isn't bad, what it does is rerout the pointer that's pointing to null and point it towards the first char of the other screen, tho printing and seperating with a coma is like one less assembly step
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    It's not permutations, though the effect may seem very similar. It's only shifting. You just move 1st letter to the end of the string until you get the same string you started with. ..Yet nobody will explain anything to you in simple words here. Some advanced users, the one you've just addressed on top of them, made this forum a circle of mutual admiration and contempt to all with skills beneath theirs. This website stopped serving its purpose long ago.

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    @AyushBk No one gives a shit about you, either. Thank you.