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    And I was afraid my solution was gonna be jank and some Linq Master was gonna come along and laugh at me..

    I can just imagine OP pulling an all-nighter wrangling with this problem over a 6-pack of Bawls Energy, hammering away at his keyboard while listening to Anime Hero music.
    Imagine the smile on his face when all of those unit tests passed.
    The sheer dedication is a best practice. OP never gave up, and despite the spaghettification, I raise my glass to him.

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    This is very difficult to follow and extremely complex. Any reason in particular why someone would tick best practices? Is this revolutionary in its efficiency on large datasets or something?

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    This is the solution I had half-written but I couldn't figure out the correct arithmetic. Nice job.

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    I am not satisfied with these double things. The description says "division = Divide (both integer and float divisions are accepted)" but then "Note: Divide and Exponent must return double." so that is clearly a contradiction. Maybe you should stick to int and enforce this. This would also require to adjust the input ranges to the Exponent method because 10^16 is way bigger than 32-bit signed integer.

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    • Please remove the "solution" for the add function from the solution setup. If you want to have it compile, return 0.
    • In English most words are written in lower case except at the start of a sentence or when they are names. So please adjust the casing in the assertion messages to e.g. "Multiplication for 5 multiplied by 2 should be: 10"
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    Anyway Here is What I am trying to do: Use System.IO File.ReadAllText(@"/workspace/solution.txt") to get the Text and Someone Recreate that error in C# since I can't think any other way that it is possible.

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    Nvm I found a Way To see the Chat in Profile.

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    Discussion Room Messages Does not Show for me here. . . I can only Read Stuff half way in notifications. . .Add me In Discord pls: Corruptive Construct#8598 I show you there. I am in Code Wars Discord Server. Lets talk there.

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    I'm not sure what you're going to do, but I don't think this bug is possible in C# at all.

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    Working on The Missing Parts

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    This translation doesn't have the same bug to fix as the kata.