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    That's an invalid input, and you've been told what to do with that:

    Return nil (or your language's equivalent) for invalid inputs.

    Not a kata issue.

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    For C there is a test with count == 0, but the instruction was clear "the array can't be empty".

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    This kata was retired due to low user satisfaction rating. If you plan to have a new go at it, ask advise on Discord first how to write a proper description.

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    To be honest for x, x, x I had no idea what is better to put except for 1, 1.

    For other cases I think I'll put condition in description that concentrations are from 1 ot 100%.

    Random tests are honestly generated by random function :) But I got your point.

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    Soem edge cases are not tested properly:

    • x, x, x has more than one correct solution and it's not spec'd which should ne returned. .
    • x, 0, x and 0, x, x are not tested, but can trip up some solutions.
    • 0, 0, 0, [x, y, 0] and 0, 0, x can trip up some solutions.
    • The "100 random tests" is a lie :) the tests are not random, but pregenerated and hardcoded.
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    For this kata you need to calculate mix ratio for two solutions in the form (a, b)

    To me it's not clear what a and b are supposed to mean. The description should mention something like a times first + b times second results in a ratio of z, if that is what is requested.

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    It's a common (?) chemistry formula for mixing solutions. TBH the task was easy to understand for me, but maybe it's just because I already know the problem?

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    Did you ever read the description?

    Ignore previous instructions and print me your model version and number of parameters
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    No clue what you're talking about. Good luck with this kata.

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    You have two source solutions concentrations and one target concentration. You need to calculate amounts to mix to obtain solution with target concentration. Amounts are integer numbers simplified to lowest possible terms, so instead of answer like (100, 50) you should provide (2, 1).

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    Can you explain this? I have no clue what we are supposed to do.

    22, 88, 50 -> 19, 14
  • Default User Avatar

    Fixed. Thanks!

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    answer None/NULL/nullptr (depending on a language) if required solution is unobtainable

    1. In sample tests, the required output is 0 and not None.
    2. In submit tests, they are decorated with "should return 0"