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    The description says you need to check for 'good' or 'bad' ideas. That's it. No capitalization, no upper case, no binary, no ASCII, nothing like that. That's the source of the downvotes. If you had to check for other ways good or bad might be written in, then the kata would be different and harder.

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    Yeah, turns out multiplying something by itself multiple times comes in handy. Middle school math is very useful in general.

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    Yes, that's what I thought.

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    I tried to sort by easiest and this 8 kyu kata popped up as the first result... I tried solving it but I have no idea how I'm supposed to solve this.

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    I have solved the kata but it seems like the condition is "if the index is outside the array return -1" or something, not "if N is outside the array return -1" as stated in the description. I used if n in array the first time because I thought n has to be in the array in order to not have to return -1 but it didn't work.

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    The test says "-1 should equal 1" on the second case when N is outside the array. The description states that if N is outside the array, return -1, and that's what I did but it says it's wrong.

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    I think this is harder than 8 kyu. I solved stuff up to 6 kyu but this one was harder.

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