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    ok (note that we generally resolve issues only once they are actually solved. It's not a problem as long as the kata stays unpublished, but keep that in mind for next time ;) )


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    Alright, will mark this thread as solved then and unpublish the kata. After that I'm gonna copy the test cases for samples at least, cause there is no point of doing that for the actual tests as far as I understood. And then I'll spend some time writing a good random test, I guess.

    Thanks a lot for the info!

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    • "The un-_RE_publish button dissapeared, but I opened the kata for contributors" -> that's because of the opened issue. You cannot republish as long as it's there
    • preloaded/example tests: yeah, I know, but that means the user cannot know what the inputs are, which is imo a bad idea.
    • for the random tests, take a look at kata you already solved which have some (recent ones, preferably). You can find some information there as well. But yeah, in your situation, writting good random tests might be harder than solving the task, here... ;)
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    Fixed 1 and 2.
    I moved the test arrays to the preloaded so that they will not occupy space.
    The unpublish button dissapeared, but I opened the kata for contributors.

    This is my first kata, so if you could help imrpoving it that would be awesome.

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    Nope: they form a linked list (or several)

    scratch that: I forgot you use "parent" relationship.

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    (unpublished, so that you have time to update your kata)

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    export const getLiveNodes = (nodes: FunkyNode[]): number => {
      return []                                       ^^^^^^

    => "oops" ;o

    The FunkyNode inteface/type isn't imported in the solution setup

    Nodes in the array can form a tree

    Nope: they form a linked list (or several)

    the inputs for the example tests should be defined in the example tests, not in preloaded

    no random tests
