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    only the new call increments index. In the original forloop index<arr.length holds true.
    Admitedly this code is hard to read.

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    the class Transition can be reduces to one line with the use of records from Java 14 onwards.

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    Easier, yes.
    Simpler, no: recursion is harder to read, understand and debug.
    Faster, barely: log10(n) is only slightly faster than converting to String.
    Space efficient, hard no: recursion will alocate more stack space than a string.

    Personaly I prefer the solution above more, as it is easier work with(all be at slower).

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    "If you use an array to store the number of occurances …"
    it sound to me like a histogram, and for that a hash map would be a better data structure.

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    It only says that the digit root is derived by recursivly repeating it sum of digits, however that does not imply that the problem has to be solved recursivly.

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    Don’t follow principles and rules blindly, understand how to apply them.

    When does this principle apply:
    Multiple entries: Always, it is only possible in assembler and strongly discouraged from.
    Multiple exits: Recursion and long functions, improve readability and avoids unforeseen behaviour.\

    Neither of them apply here.

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    I like the solution as it simple and straight forward, however I think there are some improvemnt to be had nevertheless.
    One such improvement would be to check for blank string and return it back.