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    I haven't got problems with my code and it run correctly

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    This solution will timeout. Not recommended

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    The input is not shown, you have to print it out yourself if you want to see it.
    The error message shows what your function returns and what was the expected value.

  • Custom User Avatar

    So for me the input for error message is wrong, still is an issue for me ;)

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    Your function is returning wrong values, that's not a kata issue. Print the input values and check against that.

    'g592271430' should equal "\g('j592271429B9751100000270"

    The input in that case was "\g('j592271429B9751100000269" and so on.

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    Random tests for Python 3.6.0 are incorrect

    'g592271430' should equal "\g('j592271429B9751100000270"
    'P95064' should equal '95063P=#f951837PiY830m89918624000009' 'k99172825318392' should equal "k!g#VOc:q99172825318391h2042902b(O720522784_4xq2ulM'2176468[Ak655035250" 'od8' should equal "7,9610036od86bJp->k(2759%;9$#&794333123)6ReB{3=89926!19T'):$$3o=^F#U317019866010" 'b3' should equal '@2:.$4b+963081400090' 'Bw48402' should equal '48401"61507118Bw18487cls-\'I6138L~]X{400000000077499' 't2' should equal '$t1,eG112E]ZQE!s)/267V1CLV|&5848031giw95N3402243p`?q3rC&l3KdW)F(r7-4J975637005355995'
    'w8' should equal '7~w614458121e#N$Tjx=295843VAb]C621642590000024618141'