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    Thank you for your reply. I still don't understand how the trim could be causing this behaviour. I have a string as a result, which is put out in my first set of translations. As you can see, all is correctly translated, except that i produce an additional whitespace at the end. Now i take this exact result string and call trim(), as the very last operation. How could this mess up the whole result in that way? I'm not sure what i am missing.
    This line in decodeMorse(..)
    "return result.toString();"
    was changed to this
    "return result.toString().trim();"

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    Hi, you have extra spaces at the end of several results and about the last one, your algorythm fails to determine the right time unit. And about "THE QUICK BROWN..."... well, you seem to have other problems in your code too... ;)

    Take a deep breathe, and dive into it... again... ;)

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