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    Use the example to see that it gives strings.

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    I'll admit, I had to use the example to find the exact scope of the conditions.

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    The instructions weren't sufficient, but you need to compare the lengths of each string to all the other strings, not just a like index.

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    Looks like the testing function might actually be the culprit there... Tried submitting it and got for the tests:

    ✘ Expected string length 0 but was 42. Strings differ at index 0.
    Expected: <string.Empty>
    But was: "N ffns bt,\nYr wrtng s mng th wrst 'v vr rd"
    Completed in 0.050422ms
    ✘ Expected string length 0 but was 17. Strings differ at index 0.
    Expected: <string.Empty>
    But was: "Wht r y, cmmnst?"
    Completed in 0.000929ms
    ✘ Expected string length 0 but was 22. Strings differ at index 0.
    Expected: <string.Empty>
    But was: "Ths wbst s fr lsrs LL!"
    Completed in 0.000424ms

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    Looks like the test is broke....

    Test Results:
    ✘ Expected string length 0 but was 22. Strings differ at index 0.
    Expected: <string.Empty>
    But was: "Ths wbst s fr lsrs LL!"
    Completed in 0.052195ms

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    I added an expression that assumed Y at the end of a word was a vowel... that's usually when Y is a vowel, anyway...