oh, thanks for the tip 😁
Hi, Nice solution!
btw, you can change it to if(b) insted of if(b===true) :)
fundamentally the same task: https://www.codewars.com/kata/596c6eb85b0f515834000049
Not an issue
Way too basic
Needs some random test cases.
Needs more tests
needs more random tests
Needs random test cases
Needs more tests.
"Jon has a string but its where the spaces (' ') should be there are commas (,)."
This is phrased confusingly.
Description is not written well.
more test cases with different input types (e.g. not a string) are required
You might want to change the wording of the problem.
Jon has a string but where there should be spaces (' ') there are commas (,).
Replace commas with spaces.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply. Any help or advice on how to do random test cases would be very much appreciated
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oh, thanks for the tip 😁
Hi, Nice solution!
btw, you can change it to if(b) insted of if(b===true)
fundamentally the same task: https://www.codewars.com/kata/596c6eb85b0f515834000049
Not an issue
Way too basic
Needs some random test cases.
Needs more tests
needs more random tests
Needs random test cases
Needs more tests.
"Jon has a string but its where the spaces (' ') should be there are commas (,)."
This is phrased confusingly.
Description is not written well.
more test cases with different input types (e.g. not a string) are required
You might want to change the wording of the problem.
Jon has a string but where there should be spaces (' ') there are commas (,).
Replace commas with spaces.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply. Any help or advice on how to do random test cases would be very much appreciated
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