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    If you mean not related to an Assembler Interpreter based kata I beg to disagree.
    Sorry, didn't expect to ruffle any feathers. It was just a suggestion to make an even harder kata.
    Sorry if I didn't phrase the idea conveniently.

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    Cannot understand the explanation of what the problem is or what data do we actually receive to decode the string...
    What are the contraints? What is the universe of possible triplet values?

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    C++: Wouldn't it be more educational for newer programmers to use a vector or even an array rather than individual arguments???

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    Excellent. Rather nasty parsing multiple spaces and the msg format itself.

    Maybe a part III could be done adding, for example:

    • DJNZ
    • Register sizes (say 16 bit) and enable an overflow flag which could add, say JO and JNO
    • Enable relative jumps (not only to labels
    • Add Push and Pop (push with values and/or regs)

    Really enjoyed it

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    Where can I find the meaning of the "Exit Code"? I've come across code 139 a few times with all test showing green (but solution is not accepted). Does it mean out of memory, segfault, some exception?

    I would also suggest a search facility for the forum (if it's already implemented I couldn't find it). It would probably make it easier to find already answered questions.

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    My C++ solution is failing with the following status (it passes basic sample tests and is indicating "General Tests" in green as well:

    Time: 2038 ms Passed: 1 Failed: 0 Exit Code: 139

    and an error which reads:

    test: ../../libcxx/include/string:1164:
    void std::__1::__basic_string_common::__throw_length_error()
    const: Assertion `!"basic_string length_error"' failed.

    It would appear that either I'm trying to use negative length strings (already checked there's no chance) or that the maximum C++ string size has been exceeded.

    Can someone enlighten me on the possible causes of the error?

    I'd also appreciate if someone could point me to where I can find a reference to what Exit Code: 139 means.