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    Here is my approach:

    1. Treat regular expression as a finite state machine.
    2. Draw states and transitions accordingly.
    3. Eliminate intermediate states.

    This kata has only a few states, which can be solved by pen and paper.

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    I am totally agreed with semiessessi. It's a shame to call this piece of **** best practice.

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    This what I got when i submit.

    File "", line 74    "Testing ASCII85 encoding of %s" % `unit`)
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    Please fix this testcase for Python 3.4.3

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    I was stuck at input functionality test where the first two testcases have same Whitespace code and input, but expect different output:
    Input : "1","2","3"
    Expect output 1 : "123"(passed)
    Expect output 2 : "867"(failed)
    My output : "123"
    Language : Python

    Did I miss something? Or there's something wrong with the testcases?