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    I get it, as I was very confused at first too, as I understood that you had to:

    1. first remove the leftmost character
    2. then remove every letters "a" that are followed by the letter "b"

    I finally understood that the description was confusing (to me) in its wording.

    May I suggest this modification ?:

    - start by removing all letters 'a', then all letters 'b', then all letters 'c', etc...

    - always start with the leftmost character.

    It might just be me, but for me first means before anything else (even what I just said before), and the followed by without a verb could mean both that is followed by and then.
    But again, that might just be me, as I'm not an English speaker.

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    pit here means like a trap, or an unexpected condition

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    can you please describe "pit".

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    a b c d e f g ....

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    could be that u used int() in the process ? Because then it does not give you the exact result in the end if you used it several times in your code

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    shut up mommy

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    I passed 3 of 8 tests, but other not passed tests results are like myResult - 1 = Test result. WTF???

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    The task solve without sieve of Eratosthenes
    Is it right?

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    expected:<[3[37, 34]7]> but was:<[3[07, 31]7]> what a f***????
    My own tests are passed and passed successfully. Check tests before deploying kata...

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    In general, I'd agree with you that it's not terribly difficult, but there is a pit that many fall into.

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    'alr approved some time ago'

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    I think that kata is too easy for 5 kyu but it's funny

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    Nice kata. Sure it's too hard for a 7 kyu because a basic classic loop won't work and some optimization is required, but the sensei is not responsible for that. I had to use a regex feature I never used before to solve it (Python). This kata eventually taught me something very useful. Thanks!

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    first remove all letter 'a', followed by letter 'b', then 'c', etc...

    The letters are removed alphabetically and starting from the left.

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    in test with k=8 output must be 'rdr'? I don't think so. 1) delete from left 5 a => brcdbr, 2) delete from left 2 b => rcdr, 3) delete from left 1 r => cdr. Not rdr, who knows why rdr?

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