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    I was able to pass 10 out of 11 tests for C++.
    I am stuck at test 6.
    The problem is that I can't see the two inputs, even when I am using "cout". So I have no clue what is going on.
    I see all the inputs for all tests except for test #6.
    Any suggestion?

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    In the C++ version of this kata, the code is missing the type "std::string" in the parameter.

    Instead of "std::string DNAStrand(dna)", we should have "std::string DNAStrand(std::string dna)".

    Not a big deal, easy to spot, but why not to have it fixed? :)

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    I'm glad that I saw your message.
    I managed to solve the Test Run, but my code couldn't pass the final test.
    This part made me understand what I was missing: "return a string that represents the very first longest block of consecutive elements".