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is it joke or normal practices?
not so much guessing, but perhaps extrapolating or deducing...
but anyway, if you've learned about numbers a bit, and you stare at the sample tests critically enough, the formula just leaps out at you
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I take my hat off.
Cool one :)
U`re a genius
Okay, this was cool
No mutation here. That's not what you're talking about...
value mutate - bad practice
because we need to return an integer for the code to pass the test. In python using the / will return a float for example 10/2 will give you 5.0 which is a float number but 10//2 will give you 5 which is an integer
Reraised as issue with more detail
This is definitely not best practice (?????)
This is sub-optimal. By using "|", the code must evaluate both n % x and n % y, whereas just using "||" will save needing to calcuate the 2nd expression if the first is true.
Yeeeeah guess the code length should have been restricted to prevent hardcoding - but it wasn't, so fair play xD
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