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    Well done for giving the kata a fair crack. I've just come across it and felt the current description is really easy to understand—will have a go shortly as this looks like a fun one!

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    Can you consider to change your feedback? If you think that now it's worth to complete the kata :)
    Edit : Thanks!

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    That's much less scary! :)

    minor typo: adiacjent

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    Thank you very much for all the suggestions! I updated the description , Do you think it's ok now?
    I thought the description was clear because I 'invented' the problem and it made sense to me in the way it was implicitly , but (now) I see that it's much better with what you suggested.

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    Added the following which should clarify:

    Note that a "row" in this context is defined as a horizontal row, and the column value of a cell is its
    position in its respective row starting from the left-most cell.
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    I thought it was obvious from the example given. If you look at the positions of the numbers in the initial state, there's only one possibility. Also the example_solution below (taken from the Description) illustrates the rows and columns as well.

    example_solution = [
        [    6,9,8,4    ],
        [   2,3,7,6,5   ],
        [  8,6,0,3,1,9  ],
        [ 7,4,1,5,6,2,3 ],
        [  8,5,9,2,4,7  ],
        [   9,2,4,1,5   ],
        [    1,7,3,8    ]

    In any case, I'll go ahead and add to the Description to make it crystal clear. Thanks for the heads up.

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    Now that I've looked at the values in your test example: arr = [ [2,2], [3,2], [3,5], [6,2], [0,3], [3,3], [0,0], [6,1], [4,0], [2,5] ]
    I can see that the coordinate system is the one at the top right of my image.

    I'd like to see this explicitly stated near the start of the description.

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    Apologies if it's meant to be obvious from the description, but how do you define/number "columns" on the hexagonal grid?
    Is it any of these? Or something else?

    I'm reluctant to start trying to solve this if I'm unsure of the coordinate system i'm using.

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    If you're going to call your requirements "Bullets", make the first 4 a list, so they actually have bullet points at the start.
    I'd also prefer to have them numbered, for ease of reference when you later mention "If bullet 3 is true:"

    • (1) Add 1 point if <!DOCTYPE html> is the first in the answer.
    • (2) Add 1 point if the begin tag of html is previous to its endtag in the answer.
    • (3) Add 1 point if the begin tag of head is previous to its endtag in the answer.
    • (4) Add 1 point if the begin tag of body is previous to its endtag in the answer.

    I found that most of my time was spent scrolling the description up/down, switching between the "Add a point" rules, and the number/html mapping.
    This would have been less tedious if the rules included the answer numbers:

    • (1) Add 1 point if <!DOCTYPE html> (Line number 5) is the first in the answer.
    • (2) Add 1 point if the begin tag of html (Line number 3) is previous to its endtag (Line number 6) in the answer.
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    After a LOT of guesswork, I've now completed "Hamiltonian cycle : check function" and "Hamiltonian cycle : create one !".
    I'm not a mathematician; until today, I'd not heard of Hamiltonian paths/cycles.

    Here are some of the things that made this MUCH more difficult that it should be:

    • The kata's description doesn't tell me that the path is supposed to pass through every point (although the Wiki does)
    • The Wiki has vertices with links between them; the kata has a grid. I guessed that the squares of the grid correspond to vertices, but there was no indication of what links are allowed (can I move diagonally? can I skip over squares? is a "knight's move" allowed?). Based purely on the mention of "the snake game", I guessed (correctly, I think) that you should only be able to move to orthogonally adjacent squares, but I think this should be specified in the description.
    • The Wiki mentions that "the Hamiltonian path problem... is NP-complete", and has a link to another Wiki page which talks about big-O notation. This looks SCARY. It was not obvious that the kata is a far simpler problem. At one point, I was wondering how many mathematical papers on graph theory I would need to read to even understand the problem! I think this will discourage people from attempting this kata.
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    I've now completed both "Hamiltonian cycle : check function" and "Hamiltonian cycle : create one !"
    I see no benefit of "Hamiltonian cycle : check function" being a separate kata.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    approved :)

    recursion tag might be appropriate

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    Not anymore ;)

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