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    thx. Let's wait for Voile, so...

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    JS: that's a task for Voile.

    And yes, 571983-543866 equals 28117

    Zero can't be the case here due to task requirements

    Well, that's correct, but the "requierments" are not what concerns me here!

    Once again, please add a consolelog to your code to display the output and so verify that expected and actual are not inverted. If it's the case, this would be YOUR code that returns 0 instead of five, so the checks begin there (before Voile gets there).


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    ... |-/


    • language?
    • and did you check that your answer is 5 and not 0 (if actual and expected are inverted)


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    language please? (not python, it seems. JS or C#?)

    EDIT: to the author of the translation: this is all wrong: 0 and 2 are both present in the numbers, so neither 0 nor 2 should be expected... (I say that because I suspect an inversion actual/expected too) and SSkovboiSS's solution is wrong all the same... ;)