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    It does work as intended, as each user is able to vote, without being forced to or hampered. It's a user's right to vote any way they like.

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    You could also write a new translation to the Kata. After making it, drop a suggestion in the comments, saying that you have an update for the Javascript (or other language) version. If it looks good, someone with the approval ability can modify the kata with your fixes.

    Not only does that do the community a favor, but it also get's you some bonus honor points!

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    Codewars' content is (mostly) maintained by volunteers; code won't fix itself, someone has to devote time to it. And there is such a report feature : head to the Discourse section and look at the many issues about the lack of coverage

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    Although it makes sense that a kata created on old versoins of the platform would have gone through a different process before becoming public than how it would be right now, it still doesn't cover for the fact that solutions like this should not stay on the platform as correct answers.

    Given the number of comments pointing to the incorrectness of the solution, it is expected that there would be some moderators to take action regarding such anomalies on the platform. Or otherwise having a report feature of some sort for taking care of these kind of legacy issues could also be a good idea.

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    in the early days of Codewars, rules were much more lax regarding tests coverage; this kata is 9 years old. also, users will upvote absolutely anything, and there is a bandwagoning effect when a solution already has a couple of upvotes because it's displayed on top and will mechanically receive more upvotes (it is mostly begginers who vote on solutions).

    these are not valid reasons to dislike Codewars though. rules for new kata are much stricter, and the "bad" upvotes are a social problem, not a technical one

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    I think it would be a better idea to keep these kind of problems in beta phase before they have proper test functions written for them.

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    codewars just lost all its credit for me with this upvoted "clever" answer.