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    I think that this problem shuld be more clear for users who do not know what camelCase is. Just have a brief scentence about how all of the words should be capitalized besides the first one.

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    You are given an array of strings strarr and an integer k. Your method should output a string.

    The integer k dictates the number of the consecutive strings, from the array, that will be put together to create the string that you return. In other words, if the integer is 2, then your program should return a string consisting of 2 consecutive strings from the array.
    Furthermore, your program must chose the longest k consecutive strings. In other words the combined length of the k consecutive strings that you return should be more than the combined length of any other k consecutive strings.

    An Example:
    If the input is [“cat”, “salmon”, “dog”, “mouse”, “horse”] and 2, then your program should output: “mousehorse” because it is the longest 2 consecutive strings.

    Your program is NOT finding the three largest independent strings, then combining them. The strings must be CONSECUTIVE.

    If there are multiple sets of consecutive strings with the same length, return the first one.

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    I think that the phrasing of the was a little confusing. I was solving a different problem until I realized that it was not what the kata meant.