.-.... .. ....---...
Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
Expected: 'SOS'
Actual : ''
I'm logging $code. And that's all I'm logging. Can you show me what I'm not understanding? The morse code for SOS isn't even in the log at all. That last portion should be HOS, no?
Definitely issues with the tests in PHP. Given this code: ".-.... .. ....---..." it expects the result to be "SOS".
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't SOS "... --- ..."?
Why are there spaces in between each letter in the initial tests (with a triple space meaning an ACTUAL space) but it's incredibly inconsistent in the final tests?
Would be really nice if we had more visible test cases. I pass the given one and 3 of the actual tests, but fail on 'mathisfun' and the alphabet. No idea why. Would be really nice to know what's getting passed to it.
.-.... .. ....---...
Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
Expected: 'SOS'
Actual : ''
I'm logging $code. And that's all I'm logging. Can you show me what I'm not understanding? The morse code for SOS isn't even in the log at all. That last portion should be HOS, no?
Definitely issues with the tests in PHP. Given this code: ".-.... .. ....---..." it expects the result to be "SOS".
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't SOS "... --- ..."?
Why are there spaces in between each letter in the initial tests (with a triple space meaning an ACTUAL space) but it's incredibly inconsistent in the final tests?
Can't even understand the description of this kata.
Frustration. Every test passes in 1.5 seconds except for the last one. I hit max recursion error. No idea how everyone gets around this...
Would be really nice if we had more visible test cases. I pass the given one and 3 of the actual tests, but fail on 'mathisfun' and the alphabet. No idea why. Would be really nice to know what's getting passed to it.