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    I see. Thanks.

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    It's not random, all the ones your code fail have something in common, it's your job to debug your code, not ours. I already gave you some hints about it. Good luck.

    Testing "sayHighHaveCompany", expecting: "say High Have Company"
    Expected: "say High Have Company", instead got: "say  HighHave Company
                                                        ^     ^
                                                        |     no space here
                                                        two spaces here

    Note: it's not the last word in this case that's missing the space

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    It fails because it doesn't braeak the last word. but it seems random. On other similar cases doesn't fail.

    Expected: "take Next Look Point Number", instead got: "take Next Look PointNumber"

    but other:

    Testing "longNewBigFeelLook", expecting: "long New Big Feel Look" it pass.

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    what does your code return for those that fail?

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    Testing "bigPointCompany", expecting: "big Point Company" Passed

    Testing "lastOldFirst", expecting: "last Old First" Passed

    Testing "lookHaveAskPoint", expecting: "look Have Ask Point" Passed

    Testing "thinkFewFact", expecting: "think Few Fact" Didn't pass

    Expected: "think Few Fact", instead got: "think FewFact"

    Testing "useHave", expecting: "use Have" Passed

    Testing "bigNounsProblemRight", expecting: "big Nouns Problem Right" Passed

    I don't see any pattern here, It's just random

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    Not a kata issue, that's a problem with your code, look for a pattern in the input of those tests your code is failing. See where your code is adding those spaces.

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