I know my description is terrible. You need to convert the binary to regular ASCII text and then there will be 3 characters in your new string that will be 3 for the command, and 1 that will be the value. For example it could be "ADVhADVi" which would run the ADV command with value 'h' and then the same command with value 'i'.
how did six people use the same names and stuff and then get best practices?
why does "Using System;" make this solution the best?
never mind, I got it!
I pass every test except for '' should equal '\x00'. What should I do?
and it was really bad sorry for breaking the guidelines i wasn't going to publish it but for some reason i did
yeah i just wanted to see how many test were possible but forgot to change it before publishing it
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I so just wanted there to be a solution where someone just typed out an entire dictionary of the numbers.
I think it's harder than the others, the pawn and bishop one took me one line
I think my code needs some help...
It takes 4717ms to complete...
the sample tests.
ok. this is my first kata and it took me like 4 hours to make it so I will take it down so it won't get retired
Sorry for my terrible description, my knowledge of assembly is very limited. I will get stuff fixed soon.
I know my description is terrible. You need to convert the binary to regular ASCII text and then there will be 3 characters in your new string that will be 3 for the command, and 1 that will be the value. For example it could be "ADVhADVi" which would run the ADV command with value 'h' and then the same command with value 'i'.
What is the 'element value'?
OK, will do!
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