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    A more descriptive issue was raised above - closing here.

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    Now that I'm looking at the updated description, I think it is clear enough that an example is no longer necessary. I will suggest a small grammar edit, though.

    "All your products are in the database, that you have created after CodeWars SQL excercises!:)"
    should become:
    "All of your products are in a database that you created for CodeWars SQL excercises!:)"

    Thank you fo updating :)

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    Ok I've edited the description to remove "unique" and to clarify "United States of America".

    I don't know how to change the column name without causing more trouble.

    What kind of example would you give without spoiling the challenge?

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    No tests for Javascript.

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    The description needs some serious polishing. I'm mostly echoing previous commenters.
    On revision of the description, this would be a fine beginner level kata.

    Asks for unique products in description, but adding a DISTINCT causes failure.
    Making a column the same name as the table is frustrating.
    Needs to explicitly state the proper country name in products table, "US" or "United States of America".
    An example would really help.

    I too came away from this kata thinking "Oh, THAT'S what they were looking for". Reading the error codes was more helpful than anything.